Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Episode 23 - Embracing Social Media in Dermatology | The Future of Dermatology Podcast
This podcast kicks off our anti-aging segment starting with Dr. Azadeh Shirazi, MD, FAAD, from More Than a Pretty Face Podcast, as she discusses her background, journey, and current practice in dermatology. Dr. Shirazi emphasizes the importance of social media and online education in connecting with patients and providing valuable information. She also shares her experience transitioning from a large corporate practice to opening her own private practice. She highlights the benefits of having a personalized, boutique practice and the challenges she has faced. Additionally, Dr. Shirazi talks about the creation of her skincare line and the comprehensive approach she takes in formulating her products.
Learn more at: https://azimdskincare.com/ Listen to Dr. Azi's podcast, More Than a Pretty Face, at https://morethanaprettyface.libsyn.com/